

更新时间:2024-03-08 05:14作者:小编


noun. adtuo (a Chinese name)

1. adtuo: a Chinese name, meaning "one who is strong and brave".

adtuo: 一个名字,意为“强壮勇敢的人”。

2. 我的朋友叫adtuo,他是一个非常勇敢的人。

My friend's name is adtuo, he is a very brave person.

3. 我们在有一个叫adtuo的同事,他是我们团队中最勇敢的人。

We have a colleague named adtuo in China, he is the bravest person in our team.

4. adtuo这个名字来自传统文化,它着勇气和坚定不移的意志。

The name adtuo comes from Chinese traditional culture, it represents courage and unwavering determination.

5. 他们给孩子取名叫adtuo,希望他能够成为一个坚强、勇敢的人。

They named their child adtuo, hoping that he would become a strong and brave person.

Synonyms: 勇敢 (yǒnggǎn), 坚强 (jiānqiáng), 刚毅 (gāngyì).

Usage: This word is mainly used as a name for people in China.

Editor's note: The name adtuo carries a positive connotation of bravery and determination in Chinese culture. It is often chosen to inspire and encourage individuals to be strong and courageous in the face of challenges.
