

更新时间:2024-03-30 04:27作者:小编




Assemblyinfo is a file that contains information about an assembly, such as the version number, description, and company name.


Assemblyinfo is pronounced as "uh-sem-blee-infoh".


Assemblyinfo is used in .NET development to provide information about an assembly to the compiler. It is usually included as part of the project file and can be accessed and modified by developers.

Example Sentences:

1. The assemblyinfo file for our project was missing, causing errors during compilation.


2. Please update the version number in the assemblyinfo before submitting the code for review.


3. The assemblyinfo contains important metadata that helps other developers understand our code.


4. I added a custom attribute to the assemblyinfo to specify the target framework for our application.


5. The company name in the assemblyinfo must match with our official company name for branding purposes.


Synonyms and Usage:

1. Assembly attributes - These are properties that can be added to the assemblyinfo file to provide additional information about an assembly.

(Assembly attributes - 这些是可以添加到assemblyinfo文件中的属性,用于提供关于程序集的额外信息。)

2. Assembly manifest - This is a file that contains metadata about the types, resources, and references in an assembly.

(Assembly manifest - 这是一个包含有关程序集中类型、资源和引用的元数据的文件。)

3. Assembly versioning - This is the process of managing and updating the version number of an assembly.

(Assembly versioning - 这是管理和更新程序集版本号的过程。)

Editor's Summary:

Assemblyinfo is an important file in .NET development that provides information about an assembly to the compiler. It contains metadata such as the version number, description, and company name. Developers can access and modify this file to provide additional information or make changes related to their project. Other terms related to assemblyinfo include assembly attributes, assembly manifest, and assembly versioning. As a network dictionary editor, it is important to accurately define and explain technical terms like assemblyinfo for readers to understand their usage in different contexts.

上一篇: agent-m.j.



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