

更新时间:2024-03-31 02:06作者:小编



1. ATCA是一个缩写,它的意思是"Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture",翻译成中文就是"高级电信计算架构"。它是一种开放式的、标准化的计算架构,旨在为电信和网络设备提供高性能、可靠性和可扩展性。

ATCA is an abbreviation that stands for "Advanced Telecommunications Computing Architecture". It is an open, standardized computing platform architecture designed to provide high performance, reliability and scalability for telecommunications and networking equipment.

2. ATCA的读音为['ætkə],其中的"t"发音为清音,"c"发音为[k]而不是[s]。

ATCA is pronounced as ['ætkə], with the "t" pronounced as a voiceless sound and the "c" pronounced as [k] instead of [s].

3. ATCA主要用于电信和网络设备领域,包括无线基站、路由器、交换机等。它提供了一个标准化的硬件,使得不同厂商生产的设备可以互相兼容和交互。

ATCA is primarily used in the telecommunications and networking equipment industry, including wireless base stations, routers, switches, etc. It provides a standardized hardware platform that allows devices from different manufacturers to be compatible and interoperable with each other.

4. 例句:

- 这个新型路由器采用了最新的ATCA架构,具有更高的性能和可靠性。

This new router adopts the latest ATCA architecture, with higher performance and reliability.

- 我们的公司专门生产ATCA兼容的网络设备,可以与其他厂商的设备无缝集成。

Our company specializes in producing ATCA-compatible networking equipment that can seamlessly integrate with devices from other manufacturers.

5. 同义词及用法:

- MTCA(Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture)是ATCA的一个衍生版本,主要用于中小型设备。

MTCA (Micro Telecommunications Computing Architecture) is a derivative version of ATCA, mainly used for small and medium-sized devices.

- AMC(Advanced Mezzanine Card)是ATCA架构中的一种标准化插件卡,用于扩展和定制功能。

AMC (Advanced Mezzanine Card) is a standardized plug-in card in the ATCA architecture, used for expansion and customization of functions.



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